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New beta!

23 16:35:15

Our old Beta just passed away, so we went and got another one. But this beta seems like he has no idea he is supposed to eat!!! We put food at the top of the tank and he doesn't eat it till it has floated to the bottom for a few days. We tried not feeding him for a day so he would be hungry and eat, but that didn't work. We are confused!! Please help our anorexic fish!!!

Beta's are finicky fish when it comes to eating.
I would ask what are you feeding the Beta, and second what type of tank is he in?
Also the temperature is a factor as Beta;s prefer warm water, 80 or so.
There are several "beta bites" on the market and they actually work, Tetra makes some as well as HBH and lots of others. You may try one of those products.
And the final answer is give him some time, he may be getting harassed by other fish, there may be PH and water chemistry changes from the shop where you got him and he may have some issues adapting to the new surroundings.
If you do not see any activity from him within 72hrs then it may be time to take other actions.
You could also add some floating plants to make him feel more at home.
Let me know how you make out.