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Sick Reedfish HELP!!!

23 16:43:36

I have a 75 gallon tank with 3 knifefish, 4 starter fish and one snake fish (aka reed fish). Its been up and running smoothly for about 3 months.  Ive already lost one reedfish, and now my other one is dying too.  He has become bloated and is slow and lathargic.  He comes to the top to get air occasionaly but as soon as he gets a breath he falls to the bottom of the tank fast. This is the same thing that happened to my first one and then it died.  The knifefish are fine and ive had no other fish die in my tank except for the reedfish. My nitrate levels are fine and i really don't want to loose this fish, or buy another one at $15.  Please help me figure out what to do.  Thank you

Hi Shawn;

The only things I can think of are a digestive issue or perhaps dropsy. If the substrate in your tank has small enough pebbles he may be swallowing some when he eats. It could cause blockage. Epsom salt baths may help, but there could be an internal infection. Dropsy is a possibility as well. If you could separate him to an isolation tank you could try a few things. Just be sure the isolation tank is totally covered. Ropes are escape artists, even while sick. Try epsom salt baths to alleviate fluid buildup and for a laxative effect. Also use "Maracyn Two" or Kanamycin. These two antibiotics absorb inside the fish to get where  infection is. Here is a web page about dropsy that explains the epsom bath;

I wish could help more. I hope he feels better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins