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23 16:25:11

what types of fish would you recomend as good starters for tropical temp at 82 good right

Hi Brian,
Some good fish for beginners are:

*Zebra Danios, Leopard danios, Giant danios (only for bigger tanks)

*Black skirt tetras, Lemon Tetras, Neons, Bloodfins tetras, Serpae Tetras, Black neons and more other tetras species. All of them are relatively hardy and easy to care for.

*Cherry Barbs, Rosy Barbs, Gold Barbs, Tiger barbs (avoid Tinfoil barbs)

*Harlequin Rasboras

(Bottom dwellers)
*All Corydoras catfish (AKA corys) Bristlenose Plecos (avoid the common pleco which is the usual pleco species sold in petstores, they grow to 12 inches as the norm -- Bristlenose may be a little harder to find but they are worth it and they only grow to 4 inches)

*Guppys, Platies, Swordtails (only drawback is they can overpopulate a tank if you aren't careful.)

Avoid Goldfish, cichlids, and any larger fish or those whom are an 'oddball' type fish, most likely they would have special requirements.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!
