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Pregnant Violet Goby

23 16:12:50

I think I have a pregnant violet goby, I just recently changed their water to find that one of my gobies that always hid in a cave is very fat in the midsection just below the head and is much darker in color than usual and my other goby is lighter in color than usual but is not fat. i think the darker one is pregnant, but have no idea what to do. Can you help?

Hi Shawna,
Wow, I'm not sure about this one. Violet gobies are very difficult to get to breed in captivity. Little is known about their breeding habits too, except for this info here. (taken from "")

"Although no external differences are known between male and female, if trying to breed the Prehistoric Dragon Gobies, spawning groups of 1 male to at least 3 females is recommended. The male will spawn with several females over the course of a day. Females should be removed immediately after spawning and the male will guard the eggs. After 36-48 hours, the fry hatch and the male should be removed. After the egg sacs are absorbed, the fry can be fed rotifers and "green water" containing algae. After a month, Artemia nauplii can be fed"

I hope this helps and best of luck!!

Violet gobies are wonderful fish!