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Whats wrong with it?

25 9:16:52

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Question -
Hi again,
Now, he is getting fin rot!His fin has a thing like cotton.Is this fin rot.I saw some actircles, it is just like him.He also didn't flap his fin any more.He swim by wagging heis body.What does this mean? He didnt jump onto the leaf anymore.

Answer -
Hi Kuan,
~Fin rot actually appears as ragged fins (sometimes severe) often with a black edging in color. The fins don't begin to regrow until treated and can eventually destroy all the fins on the fish. However, a cottony substance on the fins is what is commonly called "fungus" which often attacks sites of injury or in a severely stressed fish. Especially in a dirty enviroment. This is certainly why in the past he acted listless. He must have been coming down with an illness. Fungus needs IMMEDIATE treatment and the same is for finrot. I don't think your betta has finrot but certainly he must have Fungus infection.

*First, change half to 100% of his tank water. He needs fresh, unpolluted water most importantly to begin healing.
Further treatment includes the additon of salt and a medication such as MARDELS Maroxy medication. This medication should help your betta as long as you treat him early and you must keep his water clean and warm. Keep him very warm (at least 80F) and change his water every day up to 100%. Setout water next to his bowl which has been pre-dechlorinated in a 1gal pitcher to age overnight for your water changes. You may prefer to use Melafix which is an all-natural fish treatment that can cure some mild fungus infections. For some more good info on Betta care and illnesses-- please visit-

Your betta needs a good water change and immediate treatment to help make him feel better. Fungus can be cured if caught in time but I must warn you it can take it's toll.

I really hope this helps! Best of luck with your betta!!
Happy fishkeeping!

Thanks.My fish had die yesterday.Anyway,thank you for this advice.

I am so sincerely sorry to hear about that....

Perhaps it was something you weren't aware of that you didn't do when first acclimating him to his little tank...But then you can get a bad "batch" of bettas or any fish for that matter whom are already coming down with something without you knowing it. From all the stress of being shipped to the petstore and temperature flucuations and pollution buildup from being in bags and transferred to cups and then making trips to home-aquarists tanks is often too much for some. It's really a wonder any fish survives it all.

But again, I am really sorry. Perhaps you will have better luck next time. Here is another website where you find find all the answers to just about every subject of betta keeping.---

I do hope you try again with a betta. For the future, it would be great if you could give a betta a nice decent sized 5-10 gallon aquarium equipped with a heater/filter/cover and light. This is the best enviroment for bettas.

My very best wishes and I am sincerely sorry about your loss.