Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Betta Help Needed ASAP! Please

Betta Help Needed ASAP! Please

23 16:44:00


My betta has bulges on his sides.  It came on over the past three weeks.  He is typically an extremely friendly, energetic fish.  Tons of bubble nests, a happy guy.

Then he started to get the bulge on his side.  I've fasted him and gave him peas for two days.  I gave him epsom salt baths for two days.
I gave him maracyn-2 for two day.  Then someone said to stop the maracyn and give him Jungle Parasite clear.  So, i did that yesterday.  
I typically give him hikari gold pellets.  He can gobble 5 in about 5 seconds.  I have only been feeding him once per day...presoaking the pellets and only giving him one.

He is at the bottom of the tank....  He waddles up to get a gulp of air.  I've removed half of his water today.  He's in a 5 gallong Minibow tank.  So, I removed half the water to make his swim up easier.
He is not pineconed.

His water temp is 76.5.  i've tested his water and levels are within ranges for PH and Ammonia.  

I have photos.........
taken today¤t=fish002.jpg¤t=fish003.jpg

This one taken two days ago¤t=birthday028.

Please, please offer help.

ANSWER: Unfortunately I am unable to access your pictures but from the sounds of it, this is a tumor. With a tumor there isn't really much you can do.
Are his scales protruding? Clamped fins? Loss of color?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He has buldges on his sides
scales are not protruding, except where the buldge is.
He was acting terrible for a few days,,,,seems a bit better. He's about 1 1/2 years old.  In a 2.5 gallon.  I have him in half the water now because it's difficult for him to swim to the top.  I may half it again,so it's easier for him.
Using Kanaplex.

I hope you can see that photo.  When I cut and paste it I can see it.  

I can see the picture and it does look like a tumor. There is no cure but if he isn't suffering don't worry about it. If he is, it's more humane to just destroy him. I'm sorry to say it but it's true. Keep the water low for the little guy and just try to keep him comfy. Nice hot water (around 83F) and lots of air. I hope for the best.