Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > danio


23 16:57:45

i have a 6 gallon tropical community tank 2 zebra danios 1 gold mickey mouse platy 2 bloodfin tetras and 1 tropical rasbora change the water once a week and everything is testing fine has been set up about 4 months we have a girl and boy zebra danio and the girl we thought was pregnant because is got larger i was pretty sure it wasn't sick because it was acting fine but it has been about three weeks and hasn't layed any eggs and I've noticed when we fed it it will get larger and then in then morning it is slightly smaller and then by the time we feed it again it is smaller but it hasn't ever gone back to the size of when we got it is it sick, bloated if it is how can we treat it
Thanks for all your help!!!!

Hi Taylor;

Danios are egglayers so they really don't get "pregnant". It probably does have eggs though. But, the tank may be too crowded for her to spawn, the water chemistry and temperature isn't right, or the male is just not interested in breeding. There should be a certain temperature change and plenty of room for them to spawn in a separate spawning tank. Here is more info on keeping and breeding danios, just scroll down to the section on zebras;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins