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My calm betta...

23 16:55:29

I have a blue male Betta named Murphy and an apple snail in a three gallon tank that exist pretty well together.  I got them as a Christmas present last December from Wal-Mart (yes, I know how bad they treat their fish). Anyway, on the occasions that I've held a mirror to the tank in an effort to make Murphy flare up he completely ignores it!  I know I'm holding the mirror up right. His water temp and pH are fine. His fins and color look great and he's active. Also, he's very disinterested in food if it's not 8:00 a.m.  He ignores bloodworms if it isn't lunchtime.  If this is just a fish personality issue, fine.  But I want to know if this is "normal", or if it's the result of something I'm doing. Thanks for your time.

That's one strange betta no attacking his reflection. All the bettas I have had have attacked their reflection. Consider the ignoring thing as a personality quirk.
As for the food thing. You can chalk that one up as Walmart's fault. They more than likely fed him at those times and now that's when he's hungry.
Nothing's wrong with Murphy is just sounds like he's a creature of habit. Keep doing what your doing and feed him at the times he likes and Murphy should contiue to be the oddity of nature you have grown to love.