Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Cichlid/Loach compatibility

Cichlid/Loach compatibility

23 15:26:05

QUESTION: Hi there,

I have 2 60 gallon freshwater tanks. One of which decided to spring a bad leak. The leak is so bad it will not mend even after 2 tries of doing so. The tank that is leaking housed 4 clown loach and one red tail botia loach. The other tank Is housing a 11 african cichlid mix of mbuna and peacock and a upside down syndontis. I was forced to transfer the loach into my cichlid tank for now. My question is this my cichlids seem to enjoy the company of the clowns and let them rub up against them to their hearts content and don't even nip at them. The red tail is another story, everytime it comes out of hiding they chase it around and nip at it like it's on the menu. The red tail is the same size as the clowns. Why do they want to attack it but leave the clowns alone and does it have the same defenses as the clowns do to protect itself?

ANSWER: Doug, The red tail usually does better in groups of 4 rather than being by themselves. Since the Cichlid tank is established, they are letting him know it is their tank. Since there is only one, his only defense is to hide. The red tails are known to fight back when picked on too much. Most Cichlid owners have the clown or RT loach in the same tank. If you are thinking of keeping them together, I would suggest buying a couple more and adding them to the tank right after lights out. Cichlids are very territorial and will harass who ever they can, but if there are more of the RTs they might just stop the fighting. It might even get better as time goes on and everyone gets to know each other.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi again,

So basically what you're saying is the camaraderie the clowns showed the red tail in the other tank no longer exist in the cichlid tank its every fish for itself. I always thought a loach is a loach is a loach. When they recommend 4 or more I didn't think it meant it had to be the exact kind. Each one of my cichlids are different species, not exact, in other words, 1 jewel, 1 peacock, 1 maingano, 1 yellow lab and so forth and they get along pretty well. I guess it don't work that way with loach. I originally had a total 3 red tails but 2 of them died when the tank sprung a leak. I got lucky with the clowns. What i want to know Jaymie is are the cichlids capable of killing the red tail or will his defenses be able to protect him? I do have a 20 gallon but would he be more likely to die from loneliness than death by cichlid.  Also would it help if I bought some tiger barbs to use as dither fish, my local pet store always has them for dirt cheap? Thanks again. Doug

What happened was they all had to move to another tank. Everyone was happy where they were. It happens when you add new fish to an existing tank. There is a chance that things will be ok but also a chance that it won't be. Every fish is different. You can try adding another red tail or 2 and see if that helps. I am thinking it will since they need to be in a group no smaller than 4. That is what I would do, before adding different fish. Tiger barbs are not a good fish to add to Cichlids. There is a good chance that they will become Cichlid food when they get full grown. Meaning when the Cichlids get to be adults, they will eat the barbs. They are used in the Cichlid tanks to keep the Cichlids off each other. Yours seem to be doing ok together so, again, I would try adding more red tails. That should help stop the aggression.