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betta fish color

25 9:16:28

My Betta fish, who I have had for about a year, seems to have black flecks on his scales. He is red, but I have noticed that some of his fins have a bit of black on them. Also, his underside closest to his face, just under his mouth, turned silver not to long ago. Is this a sign that he is sick? Or is this normal?
Thank you for reading, I appreciate it.

Hi Leah,
That is odd. But I do know bettas are well-known for changing their coloration as they age. I have seen is dozens of times myself.
~There is actually a disease called "Black spot" but it is quite rare and has been said to go away on it's own.
It can be very hard to distinquish between natural color change and Black spot parasites. I highly doubt the latter because of it's rarity.
Just be sure to watch him and make sure he doesn't seem sick, (clamped fins, listless behavior, not eating) which might indicate he is actually ill.

*And Just be sure you continue caring for him very well--varied complete diet, frequent water changes, warm temperature and you'll very likely have him to enjoy for years to come!

I really hope this helps! If you have anymore questions or concerns, feel free to email me...
Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!