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23 16:10:18

I have a 26 gallon with good filtration  and aeration.

I do 35% water changes twice a week.

5  Glowlights
1 black neon (3 died)
2 neons (4 died)
4 cories
2 guppy fry

What fish can i add to the tank please?  It looks empty!

Thanks Jeremy.

Hi Jeremy
I would increase the schools of both neons, get them up to at least 3-5 minimum of each kind.  The regular neons are pretty sensitive though, I stopped buying them years ago for that reason.  Not sure on the black neons, think they're hardier. Might of just been a bad batch at the store.  But, worth it if they're cheap enough to try again and make a complete school of each of them.  

Then, maybe a betta-male or female, or a dwarf gourami or paradise fish,(only add one or the other of the betta, gourami, or paradise fish-they're all some what related and will most likely fight with one another if mixed, with the exception of a few female bettas can usually be housed together).

I wouldn't go with much more then that.  You're water change schedule is excellent, but it's still not a good idea to overstock a tank.  I think it'll look more "fuller" if you increased the neon schools.  The betta or gourami will add something for the top level of the tank.  The cories got the bottom covered.  The tetras all over.  

Good luck and let me know if you have more questions.
