Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > fish poop

fish poop

23 15:35:00

QUESTION: hi again renee. you answered several questions for me last week. as I told you one platy died, but two days later a molly died. when we removed her(still alive) from the tank I noticed she was skin and bones. I felt awful. reading up on swim bladder disease made my heart break. we thought this fish was just wacky. she swam funny, real wobbly etc. I am learning alot through experience. we waited a week and have now added two more mollies. so far so good.  my question today is that they all seem to be pooping(don't know fish terms to use) alot. we have seen each one do this today alone. there is alot of waste floating around.  whats up? I will have my husband do a water check when he gets home. we were going to do it anyway since we have added a new plant and decoration too.

ANSWER: Hi Carla,

Fish poop a lot.  If it's not getting filtered, you should increase the size of your filter

If the water isn't clean, change out at least 25% tonight and 25% in 3 days.

With the description you give, I don't think it's swim bladder.  Wobbling can be a sign of several illnesses, however skin and bones are signs of parasites or TB.

I would watch any new fish for a few weeks until they settle in, for signs of infection.

Happy fish-keeping.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: we are watching all fish closely. our water text indicated high nitrite levels, 0 anomnia levels. we did a 20% water change, followed the other directions in the test kit and will go to store tomorrow to get a ph test kit too. what signs of infection should we be looking for?

ANSWER: Things to watch for would be the same types of symptoms that the other one had.

If your nitrites are up, that can be the culprit.  Nitrites cause ammonia.  Both, Nitrites and ammonia can be extremely deadly to fish.

A 25% change isn't enough.  The tank needs cleaned and the filtration cleaned, to rid the nitrite issue.

Keep an eye for fish who go to the surface.  With high nitrites, this can be a sure indication of poisoning.  Fish who linger at the top, and look like they're taking air, mean you need to change water and filter media asap.

I hope you feel comfy staying in touch if you need to.  

Happy fish-keeping.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: when the second fish died, I did a 50% water change and syphoned the rocks and changed filter. when you say clean the tank is that what you are talking about?  this is the first time since we got the tank that we have had a water issue. why would the nitrite be so high?  new fish? new plants? something leftover from dead fish?

Hi Carla,

Raised nitrites are caused by rotting meat or plants.

There is something in there still dead, floating around.

When I say to clean the tank, I believe you need to literally wash the sand out.  Gravel keeps dirt and it's probably the culprit for the high nitrites as well.

I'd really like to know what size tank you have and the make/model # of the filter.  I was re-reading your initial story so I could give you the best advice (reminding myself...there've been over 100 other questions since yours was initially asked), and I don't see any specifications.

I notice you state there is a lot of debris blowing around.  There should be nothing blowing around.  This is a good indication your filtration unit isn't strong enough.

This could be the cause of everything.

I look forward to your response. :)
