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feeding bristlenose catfish in mixed tank

23 16:20:52

hi jamie,  I have a mixed tropical tank (established 12 months ago).  Have tiger loaches,guppies, mollies, neon tetras, one large goldfish and a sword tail.  I have just introduced two small brislenose catfish(two days ago).  How can I ensure they are getting food as any food - algae wafers, blood worms etc that I put in the tank is demolished by the big fish - especially the loaches and mollies - they crowd the algae wafers when I drop them in the tank.  The catfish just won't get a look in.  Any suggestions?

If the plecos are hiding out in a certain area, you can put the algae wafer right in front of it's hideout.  Also, plecos need to have real driftwood in the tank as they are wood eaters.   They also really enjoy cucumber slices weighted down to the bottom of the tank.

How big is your tank?  I worry because of the number of fish you have in your tank.  The goldfish should be in it's own tank- they are cold water fish and need 15-20 gallons alone.