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What fish should I add?

23 15:58:10

I am a new aquarist and have some questions about what fish I should add to create a peaceful community.  I have a 30 gallon and have set it up to be freshwater.  I added my first fish yesterday; 2 dalmation mollys & 2 tuxedo platys.  These were suggested by the salesclerk at Al's.  They seem to be doing well, so far!  I believe I have to wait another 5 days or so (is that right?), to add my next group but I am trying to figure out what I should add.  The salesclerk suggested 6 neon tetras & 6 harlequin rasboras (I really like them).  Do you think these are good choices?  If so, should I add them one group at a time?  How long do I wait between those groups?  What should I get for the bottom?


The Neon Tetras and the Rasboras are a good choice. However, if you are new to this hobby, I wouldn't recommend neon tetras, because they are easily stressed, and will die if you don't take very good care. However, if you do regular water changes, it would be fine.

Other choices include 6 Zebra Danios, 6 Swordtails, or 6 small Corydoras Catfish.

You should add half a group each week, (3 fish) to prevent any ammonia poisoning (from fish waste). This will give the beneficial bacteria time to establish.

See this for more info:

For the bottom, you should get some gravel. Make sure the individual stones are small, especially if you are going to get catfish!

Good Luck, and Happy fishkeeping!