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2 Questions

23 15:27:07

Ok, I have a 20 gallon tank (24" Long, 12" W, and 17" H), and I was wondering if the following quantity of fish could fit into my aquarium: 4 Platties, 3 Silver Hatchetfish, and 3 Black Kuhli Loaches.  If I have any extra room, could I fit 1-3 more Back Kuhli Loaches?

1 platy needs a minimum of 15 gallons so 4 of them will need a minimum tank size of 60 gallons. The Hatchetfish needs a minimum tank size of 20 gallons, you want 3 so the minimum tank size is 60 gallons. The Kuhli Loach needs a minimum of 10 gallons for one but a 20 is better for them. To house the fish you want you will need a minimum tank size of 130 gallons. As you can see, 20 gallons is just too small to house the fish you stated above. I have enclosed an awesome web page that covers why some fish need larger tanks than others. It also lets you know what type of fish can be kept in a 20 gallon tank. I hope it helps. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.