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Dwarf Puffer info

25 9:21:51

I was wondering about Dwarf puffer fish. I would like to keep ONE in a 1-2 gallon tank Is that enough space and everything for just ONE? If they
can't handle the nitrogen cycle I could cycle it with a betta then remove him and keep A dwarf puffer in it.

Hi Susan;

In order for good filtration and biological balance to be effective you should have 5 gallons at the very smallest. Even for just one tiny fish. It is difficult to provide adequate filtration and temperature control in anything smaller. With 5 gallons or larger you can have a thermostatically controlled heater in the tank. The smallest heater with a thermostat is a 25 watt. This is too much heater for a tank smaller than 5 gallons. For any tank in a normal room temperature environment you will need 5 watts per gallon. If the room where the tank is tends to be cooler than 55 or 60, go to a little larger heater. If the wattage is too low the heater can't keep the temp high enough and you will face temperature fluctuations.

A heater is a 'must' for a puffer tank. Without it, the tank temperature is subject to these dangerous and stressful fluctuations. Puffers are tropical fish and are quite prone to the parasite "ich" that often attacks when the temperature drops in their tank. Some experts believe puffers and other fish (specifically loaches, plecostomus, and oscars) actually carry the parasite without symptoms and can become infected if stressed and/or infect other fish without showing any symptoms of the disease themselves.

Shop for a 5 or 10 gallon with a good filter and a heater. You and your little fish will be much happier for it.
Have Fun!

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins