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worm parasites

23 16:31:07

Hi, i have a 120 gal tank and have known there to be little white small worms clinging to the sides.They were at first about a 16th of a inch at first, but now there are some worms that are maybe a quarter of a inch. What are they and what can i used to kill the suckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for your time.

What... kill em... Your fish would never forgive you for it :) K... all joking aside... They are called "Planetaria" are a completely harmless part of the bio-system. They are actually in any healthy tank. If you're seeing an outbreak of them, I would have to question the water quality. They feed on the broken down food particles that build up on the bottom of the tank. If there is an over abundance of Planetaria in the tank, the fish may be being over fed causing too much waste. Anything you get to kill them will most likely also kill the helpful bacteria in the tank. I would suggest changing as much water as possible and thoroughly vacuuming the gravel. Every four days change half of the water and vacuum the gravel at least once a week until you start seeing less of the worms. Also try feeding smaller amounts. A couple small pinches of food twice a day is plenty. Never feed more than your fish can consume in a 3 minute period. Right now your fish are enjoying some good ole live food. It's good for them. If you slow down the production of the Planetaria, your fish will be able to control the population and you'll very seldom see them yourself. They usually only come out at night after the lights go out and things settle down for the evening :)