Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > SWIM BLADDER HELP !


23 16:14:43

hi my female platy is showing signs of swim bladder this is the 1st time my tropical fish have had it .
i have bought swim bladder treatment (interpet)
i am bit confused to how often i use the treatment .
my tank is 23.62 us gallons or 91.88  uk litres
could you tell me how many pipettes i should put in the tank to treat the platty , how often and do i have to use salt as stated on the box ???? lastly is it ok to keep the platty in the tank with other fish that seem healthy (she is being kept in a breeding box thingy) so she is not being hasseled by the other fish . hope you can help me many thanx liz

Hi Liz,
Sorry to hear that. I've never used medication to treat swim bladder disorder before because it is more of a environmental/diet related problem rather than an actual disease.

Most swim bladder disorder cases are caused by too much food at one time or not enough fiber or variety. So the best way to treat this common condition is to first fast the fish for at least a day, then feed a green pea that's been completely thawed and peeled. Some fish take longer than others to recover and many fish recover on their own.

But I don't feel medications are necessary now.

I hope this helps!