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Gold Fish floating

25 9:12:05

Hi Karen,

Thanks for your previous advice. But the goldfish is still floating on top of the tank, and as such is not eating well. I have been monitoring and note that it is not giving out any waste either which seem to suggest that the food are not being digested. Is it possible that the bladder is blocking the digestive system? I read from somewhere in the web that as a last resort some people can use a sharp pin and insert into the visible "lump" (ie. the bladder problem area) and let the air out. Is that true? Wouldn't that put a wound in the fish and cause infection etc.

I would be grateful for any suggestions. Although I do not think I have access to most fish medication here.

Thanks very much Karen.

Kind regards,


Followup To

Question -
Hi Karen,

I have a single goldfish in a 10 litre tank for s few years now. Recently, the fish keeps floating to the top. I have read about the causes, and I think I know what happended. It is the dry food I've feed the fish, causing bladder problems.

But as suggested in the many webpages, I have stopped feeding the fish for 3 days now, but there is no improvement at all.

Is there anything I can do? I read some where that thawed and shelled green pea can help. But I have no idea where to find this. The pet shop doesnt't sell them and with the fish flipped over and on top all the time, the fish cannot reach for any food even if I was to feed it.

Do you know of any other easy treatment?

Thanks very much for your help.


Answer -
Dear Paul,
You can try putting your poor Goldfish in a "Net breeder" box. Go to "" Or to find the "net breeder". This will allow your Goldfish to rest and not have to struggle to be in a certain place, nor will she have to be wipped about by currents or any sort. This also really helps making pea feedings easier.

I have heard many sucess stories of Swim bladder troubled Goldfish becoming healed by pea feedings. I would definitely go that route for sure. I myself have had sucess with using peas to help Swim bladder patients recover, even non-goldfish species of fish.Just get the green peas at your Grocery store. I've always used plain frozen ones. Thaw it out completely, pop it out of the shell, mash it up and feed it in bite-sized pieces. You can try a blunt toothpick to feed it to her/him, or use your fingers. Patience is everything when treating Swim-bladder troubled Goldfish. Three days is plenty of time to then start feeding green peas about once or twice a day.

Rest is his/her best bet now and pea feedings are vital. Insure her water quality is very good. Absolutely Zero Ammonia, Nitrites, and low nitrates. Ten litres is quite small, so be sure water changes are very frequent and testing of the water is also never neglected.

There are several other treatments for Swim- bladder disordered fish. But try pea feedings and get in her a "net box" if you can.

I wish you only the very best to you and your Goldfish!!

A big Hello again Paul,
It's very sad to hear your Goldfish is still not better. It takes time and patience to work with them. Definately do not use the "pin-method" this would certainly damage to the fish and cause serious injury or worse.. Have you gotten him/her to eat green peas? You mentioned she doesn't seem to be passing waste, this could certainly indicate constipation being the problem. When a fish is "stopped up" it can affect the swim bladder from functioning properly and hence makes the poor fish loose equilibrium.

Continue to work with him/her and really try to get some peas into her. Like I said a net breeder box might help. Providing a place for her to rest and conserve energy.

Medications are typically not needed for Swim bladder problems. Water changes are the best side treatment to this.

I really hope this helps! Keep trying do not give up! ;-)
Only my very best wishes to you and your Goldfish!