Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Baby Angels

Baby Angels

23 15:43:00

I bought 4 baby angels just a week ago and put them into a 55 gal tank with 1 pleco. It is very planted on one side and not so planted on the other, for swimming room. Is this too big of tank for them because all they do is stay in one spot. Thank you.

Hi Morgan,
Since they are babies and still new to the tank. They still need some time to get adjusted to the new environment and settled in and all that.

One thing though, since they are the only fish 'out in the open' (since your pleco doesn't swim out in the open) they feel a bit more afraid to venture out. If there were other fish out swimming -- it would help their confidence and encourage them to swim out more. A small school of tetras or danios would be perfect for this... these fish are typically more confident than angels and begin swimming around and schooling almost immediately after being added to the aquarium and are perfect as 'dither' fish for the babies.

I hope this helps!