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sick parrot fish

23 16:28:03

I am a beginner fish owner.  My boyfriend moved out and left me with a beautiful blood parrot.  She is at least a year old and is now in a forty five gallon tank alone because all of her mates died.  I didn't know ich meds could kill tetras and catfishes anbichers. So unfortunately she is the only one left.  The thing is, i've been treating her for ich and am having trouble getting rid of it. I was using Rid-ich and got no results other than a sicker fish. I have raised the temp and added salt but the high temp labors her breathing.  Now i have switched to Mardel. A different tratment.  She has left the top of the aquarium but seems extremely weak.  She goes vertical alot of the time.  Also i know she hasn't eaten in a couple pf weeks.  Please help me.  I am quite attached and stressed out.  Will she starve to daeth or is the ich killing her.  Any suggestions would be helpful.  Thank you!!

ICH is treatable IF caught in time and unfortunately you just may not have caught it in time. When was the last time you did a water change? I'd recommend doing a 50% water change and then try remedicating.

Also, most will usually either put salt in their tank and put the temp up OR medicate, they don't usually do both at the same time.