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Calico Oranda Injury

25 9:11:55

Hi,  I purchased a tank and now have 2 lionhead orandas, a blackmoor fantail and a calico oranda.  I got up to feed them this morning and noticed part of the calicos fin in the water, the calico was laying at the bottom on its side,  when i put the food in it came up to feed no probs. I got a better look at the tail and it looks as though part of it has been shredded (by the filter i assumed) as i can't find anything that would be a disease that would cause this and i've heard that the filter can be a bit of a danger.  Any hoo, is there anyway the intake can be guarded and  is there anything i can do to help the calico heal better>

Dear Derek,
I'm sorry to hear about your Oranda's injury...

I don't believe the other oranda's or fantails would have torn her fins. There is a possibility the filter could have caught her tail and this can be remedied by taking a small little sponge replacement for small power filters and wrapping that around the intake of the filter and securing with a  rubberband. This may slow some of the flow but if you have a very efficient filter and hopefully a decent sized aquarium, this shouldn't be a problem.

My next thought would be her tail got caught in driftwood,rocks or other decorations and could have broken her tail. Maybe she swam and squeezed her way in between some rocks or driftwood and got her tail caught and broke.

It certainly couldn't be a disease but I would just insure her water quality is perfect always (Zero ammonia/zero nitrite and nitrate less than 20) and fortunately her tail should grow back with a good diet and clean water.

If you highly suspect your filter to be part of the problem. Definately secure a small little sponge pad like those made for small Hang-on-the-back type power filters, if you could get a black one that would be best because it is much less conspicuous.

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes and I hope your Calico Oranda recovers just fine!