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Black Moore Fish

25 9:11:56

We recently bought a black moore goldfish to add to our aquarium.  He was in the tank for about 2 days and this evening I found him floating at the top.  When I took him out of the tank, both of his eyes were gone.  The owner of the pet store told us that it was okay to keep a black moore with the other fish that we bought.  We have an irridescent shark, an albino shark, a mixed-fruit tetra, a rainbow gaurami and a platy.  The tetra's eye on one side looks like it is a bit swollen and red, but it hasn't lost it yet.  We have gone through several fish and I am getting frustrated trying to keep them all alive.  We had our water tested and there wasn't a thing wrong with it.  HELP!!! I don't know what to do.  Thanks for your time!

Hi Mandie,
Thank you for your letter. Sounds like you found out about the dark side of the aquarium hobby. If you have an aggressive fish, it probably attacked the black moore. That is my guess. I don't want to judge your other fish, or single one out in a line up, but you might have an idea.
My suggestion is to not introduce more fish, just go with what you have. The little critters are extremely difficult to keep alive.
Most people kill theirs over feeding. If that doesn't do it, the fish kill each other out of sheer boredom, or something.
Anyway, it can be a fun hobby once you get the hang of it, so I encourage you to put the past behind and move on. Is the black moore dead? I can offer further advice if you write back with more info.
My page for wholistic aquarium care is: