Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > experts


23 16:31:07

Hey,Nicole! I just wanted to ask, I applied for experts and |I really really really really really really really really want to be accepted. I want to be an ichthyologist. When would be the estimated time to get a response?
How long did it take for you to get the email?
Tanks! (haahahahah, pun..heheh)
~*~Much Obliged~*~

Hi Monika,

I got an email in <24 hours, but it might be different on Sunday. There's another category besides Freshwater Aquariums. There's Animals/Pets -> Pet Fish -> Fish and that has fewer experts than Freshwater Aquarium does. So if they don't accept you, the only reason I can think of would be that they are just full in the Freshwater Aquarium category.

Good luck, you'll probably be a great expert!