Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > high nitrate level

high nitrate level

23 16:01:21

I hadn't cone a partial water change in about 1 1/2 months, and when I did a test on it the nitrate level was really high, and the ph around 6.2.  I did a 20% water change and added easy balance with nitraban in it to try and reduce nitrate level.  It went down a fraction, but has far to go.  Should I keep doing water changes, and should I add more stress zyme? How often should I do this.
Ps I lost a few fish but rest seem okay for now.  Please let me know

Hi Darlene
Well if you're going to have an aquarium, you're going to have to devote the time and patience it requires to maintain. A 20% water change should be done once a week, even under normal conditions.

Stress Zyme is a bacteria supplement that should not be used. The only way to get your nitrate/nitrite levels down is with water changes. Do a 15-20% water change and check your levels including the pH. If the ammonia/nitrate/nitrite levels are still high, keep doing a water change until they are within range. These levels should be checked regularly.

Hope this helps,
