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Wedding centrepieces

25 9:17:25

Hi Karen, I am thinking of having Betta fish for the centrepieces for my wedding reception.  I have bought very large brandy glasses to keep them in.  Is there any information that i need to know or anything you suggest.  I was also thinking of having a floating candle on the top of the bowl, is this a good idea?

Hi Katie!
Well, I personally wouldn't reccomend using live animals as display pieces. There are many dangers to them and it would be very stressful to put them through everything--include risks of curious people and being knocked over by . But if you insist, it is essential for them to have a secure top and a hole for airflow. Plus a thick silk plant for security in every bowl. Don't put them in full sunlight or in a very cold area. I'm afraid a candle would release toxic substances into the bettas water...sorry. Betta's need very clean water to be healthy. As soon as you can put them in at least a 3 gallon bowl or best yet a small 3-5 gallon aquarium with a filter and heater.  If each betta is going home with a guest please print up a care card for each betta container. If you would like to do this, please let me know.

Using bettas as a display is fine and would be absolutely beautiful. But please take the bettas well-being and safety into mind. They are sensitive little creatures and need special considerations in this type of setup.

I really hope this helps! Congrats! If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me...

Best wishes,