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Hello again KarenI siphoned...

25 9:17:36

Hello again Karen
I siphoned up the funny white fog stuff from around the plants and
tidied up and raggedy bits on the plants to get any rotted material out
of the tank....fingers crossed for a few fish tomorrow.
I have been adding up my numbers going on one inch of adult fish size
per gallon (and wishing i could afford a bigger tank!) and have the

(feel free to correct me at any time!)

1 Angelfish, 2 dwarf gouramis

and either:

5 Danios (not Leopard although they look the best! One wesite said
they will nip long fins)
5 Dwarf neon Rainbow fish
9 white Cloud Danios

Do you think these will go together?
My little son is set on an AngelFish so I tried to work back from that.

One website said never put an Angel in the tank in the break-in you agree?

Another one said Angels and Neon Tetras go well if you get a baby
Angelfish...but that seemd a bit odd.  When I was a kid the Angel
always ate the neons, yum yum.

: )

Regards, Gillian (Australia)

Hi Gillian, well I am glad you plan not to stock your aquariums overboard, and your fish selection should all prove compatible. Angelfish aren't the hardiest fish for cycling, but it IS possible if you are VERY careful. You should buy only one or two no more than a quarter size angels for cycling. Any rise in ammonia you need to do a 30%-50% water change and test again to make sure the levels are back in the safe zone. Always feed lightly and maybe try to use an water conditioner that neutralizes ammonia as well as chlorine and chloramine. With careful precaution you can cycle your aquarium with angelfish. And they should make it through just fine if you don't let their water become toxic. Depending on the size of your aquarium, 2-3 angelfish can be grown happily with a trio of swordtails and a school of corydoras in a 29 gallon. Just a thought. You can always substitute another fish species in place of the swordtails and Corydoras catfish but just make sure they are peaceful. I agree about buying a baby angelfish to go with neons is sort of off. The angelfish will just grow up in several months and the neons will be lunch again...What's the point in that?
Anyway, if you were to do the other route you had in mind of the danios, rainbow fish, and white clouds you can cycle the tank with either the white clouds or the danios--danios have proven themselves very hardy to just about anything but you should always never subject them to it and always check for ammonia every day during the break-in period and do a 30%-50% water change if it rises above the safe level. Try to let angelfish have a friend or two if you can...they highly appreciate company... ;-)

Well I hope this helps, Gillian... If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me...

Best wishes! Have a g'day mate!!! :)
Happy fishkeeping!