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parrot fish breeding

23 15:18:01


I just want to ask, how to feed breeding the parrot fish and what kind of breeding feed?

Thanks & God Bless!

Richard, The parrot fish is a hybrid fish. Breeding them has been done but, very rarely. The sexing of young parrots are impossible to tell. As they mature you can check behind the dorsal fins underneath check for a tube. In the female it is a thick V like structure this is her ovipositor. In the male it is thinner and more loose and straight. Anyway if you get them young all you can do is hope. You can not make them breed. They will just start making the nest and it happens. This is the thing because they are a hybrid fish the eggs extremely rarely hatch. They will watch them closely until they die and turn white with mold and they will eat them. This is most likely scenario. Sorry. Good Luck, Tina