Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > fishless startup

fishless startup

23 16:48:21

it has been set up 3 wks 75 gal  no fish,two somthing 300 with spong  charcoal and some white bio somthing for ammona ph ok ammona ok nitrite off the chart. i have did about 10 gal changes  once a week  

Hi Randy;

Do you have a question for me?

It looks like the Nitrogen Cycle is going on schedule with nitrite being high at the three week mark. You don't need to make water changes during a fishless cycle. When we do changes with fish in the tank it's because the levels become too high for the fish and they would die otherwise. You don't have to worry about that. Let it continue on and keep providing "food" for the system. When you do eventually add fish to it, do so slowly (one inch per ten gallons) and wait a week between new fish additions for the system to "catch up". That's when you will start to make weekly water changes for the fish to stay healthy. Do them every week with a gravel vacuuming as normal aquarium maintenance. Use a good basic water conditioner and that's all you need.

Let me know what you need beyond this...

At Your Service
Chris Robbins