Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > NOT SURE


23 16:48:44

I have a 29 gallon tank with 1 opaline gourami, 1 velvet swordtail, 2 woodcats, and 1 senegal bichir which is about 6" in. I plan on getting a bigger tank for my bichir but I would like to know if it would be smart to get a peacock or spiny eel. Plus surprisingly my bichir leaves my other fish alone.

Hi Jimmy;

I personally wouldn't risk adding an eel. They are the perfect shape for a senegal bichir to try to to eat. They hunt at night when other fish are "sleeping". It won't be long before your other fish start going missing.

Get a big tank for him right away, keeping in mind that they get over a foot and a half long. Here is a really good profile page about them;

Good luck!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins