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Cory;s albinos

23 16:41:02

HI, Can Albino Cory's go in brackish water.  What kind of
bottom feeders can I put in my tank with Columbian Sharks.
They have just graduated to salt or brackish water and I had to take out the Cory's and Pleco as I didn't know if they could be in brackish water .. Thanks . Sally

Good afternoon Sally,

Corydoras are not tolerant of salt. They prefer cooler water (in the low 70s) and definitely fresh water. Plecos are also not salt tolerant, in fact, they react quite poorly to it. This is the case with most catfish.

I suggest you look for a brackish goby to add interest to the bottom part of your tank. If your tank is very large (Columbian sharks need a very long, large tank to mature properly) then you may have room for a violet goby. There are lots of miniature gobies that might do well in your tank, especially if you feed them primarily "wet" frozen foods (not flakes and pellets) or safe live foods such as daphnia - avoid tubifex worms - and use sand as a substrate. Many gobies like to burrow in sand.

Have a look here first:

Then, when you find a goby you like, type the scientific name into (or even the search engine on for more information. Neale Monks contributes to Wet Web Media and is a brackish water pet fish expert! You may consider writing to him.

I hope that helps, take care.