Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > someone beat up my angelfish and shes almost dead

someone beat up my angelfish and shes almost dead

23 16:07:55

Hi Karen,
I have a 60 gallon tank with different types of fish. New at this, learning fast, just went through the whole "gill flukes" and "swim bladder disorder" and worst is not knowing why my fish were dying, I've lost about 10.

Now,,,I just found one of my Angelfish SO beaten up, chewed up, and nearly dead! She can't even swim but her gills are still moving, it's soooo sad,I don't know what to do I dont want her to die.
I seperated her from the other fish. I have no ided who or why the other fish did this to her!
Another thing, my husband brings fish home every time he goes to the fish store. We both didn't know a thing about this and went by what the fish store manager told us was safe. Anyway, he doesn't know the 'names' of the fish he brought home, some I found out on the internet.

If there's something I can do to save my angelfish PLEAAASSSE tell me asap? She's laying down on her side b/c she can't stay straight up, her fins are gone, she's really beaten up badly.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Hi Debbie,
Oh my gosh poor Angelfish!

There's not much you can do for her besides keep her comfortable and hope she recovers. But keep in mind her wounds may be too much for her to handle. However, I've seen fish pull through some pretty terrible situations.

*~*To avoid these bad situations its best to research any fish species  you are considering before you bring them home*~*

Keep her as low-stressed as possible, darkness may help but keep her warm too to help her immune system. Also be sure she doesn't have to deal with ammonia if she is in a separate container/tank. A water conditioner that neutralizes ammonia would be vital.

All we can do is keep our fingers crossed.

My best wishes to you and your angel...