Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > ANGELS HELP


23 15:58:05

hello there!
to start from the start of my question (and to give you a heap of info) I have been keeping angels for about 6 months. I recently was asked by a friends friend to take their angels as they are moving. I set up a new tank cycled it before i saw the angels and picked them up. The tank size is fine for the angels etc etc. When i picked up the angels (they are a breeding male/female pair) the guy said that the female had been attacked by some tiger barbs, so they had separated her and put her in a floating basket. I said yeah that cool, and bagged the male and female, when i noticed the females body was looking a little bent, and her fins were a little frayed. (nothing i haven't seen time fix) I thought nothing of the body until i got home. After the 30 min drive i got home and floated the bags let them free after 30 min. This is when i re checked the fish.

The female is bent in almost a C kind of shape. She is not having a problem eating, but a little difficulty swimming. To explain simply, she is unable to use her bottom fin. So pretty much when she swims, she swims in a circle, because of her shape too.
Also because of her encounter with the tiger barbs, she has lost half of her 'feelers'.

I have only had her for 1 night now, but i was wondering if there is anything i can do for her, because she is a beautiful fish.

Thanks so much in advance

Hi Rachel,

Sorry for the slow response, I was a bit busy.

I would change 20% of the water every 1-2 days, as a preventative measure. Since I don't have a picture, it's hard to tell, but if she has problems swimming (especially going to the bottom), then she may have swim bladder disease. In that case, you will want to feed only once per day, maximum. Feeding her once every two days will actually be better, until she recovers. Normally, feeding a pea helps fish recover from swim bladder disease, but your Angelfish will probably reject the pea, since Angels are mainly carnivores. Applying some sort of protective coat enhancer, such as Stress Coat, will help.

If her condition doesn't improve within 5 days, I'd add a bacterial medicine, such as Maracyn. remember to remove the carbon from the filter if you put in medication(s).

Check this link for additional disease diagnosis:

I hope your Angel recovers, best of luck!