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Pregnant or disease?

23 15:23:01

Dear Susan,

I have started a 30-35 litre (6.7 gallons) tank. 2 weeks ago I got one male Endlers Livebearer. I only got one because there would be a spike in the water. Just yesterday, I got 4 females. I am planning on getting 10 Endlers (3 males and 7 females) and 2 or more freshwater snails (probably mystery snails) in 2 weeks when the water will settle down from the spike.

All is going fine except I notice on all the females, there is a black gravid spot near their annul opening. Their bellies are getting bigger. I know these are signs of pregnancy (going to set up a breeding tank for the fry anyway), but I saw a picture and web site of a disease you can get in Endler's. The picture of the Endler they showed with a disease had the black gravid spot but not a big stomach.

Do you think my fish are more likely to be pregnant then have the disease? Or not even have the disease? I'm afraid I can't easily send photos. Maybe if you really need to see what the fish look like I can try and send some shots.

Please help!


Hi Olivia,
Endlers are such a beautiful species!

I don't think there is a cause for alarm here. The fact that the Endler that you saw in the photo had a gravid spot may have just been a coincidence.

Most female livebearers will constantly have the dark gravid spot. I do feel your Endlers are more likely to be pregnant than to have an illness. But its good that you are a concerned fishkeeper. :-)

I hope this helps and best of luck with your little tank!