Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > sick/injured moonlight gourami

sick/injured moonlight gourami

23 16:07:58


moonlight gourami
just to let you know that the gourami is making a speedy recovery.we didnt put him in the hospital tank because we noticed that he was recovering exremely well by himself.we found out how he got injured tho,the large ornamental castle in the tank has holes for fish to swim through.the gourami had tried to swim through one,got stuck & was forcing himself through or back causing the injury.we know this because the female moonlight gourami was witnessed doing the same thing,only much more severe.please see pics.she is very torn up with open wounds what seems like a fungal infection in the shape of a crown on its head.we have put her in the hospital tank,treating her with melafix & an anti fungus & finrot treatment by interpet.apart from keeping our fingers crossed & treating her this way,do you have any advice please.we have binned the castle!!!!!

Hi Simon:  make sure she is eating... offer her brine shrimp as a bribe... fish that are eating usually recover... I suspect that her wounds have lowered her immune system and she is being attacked by germs, etc that she would normally fight off with a healthy immune system. If she does not seem to be getting any better by Monday morning let me know... at which time I would switch her to an antibiotic such as tetracycline... dave