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Brackish water

23 16:24:09

I'm about to convert my aquarium to 1/4 to 1/2 brackish water, to support a moray eel I recently purchased.  What I'm wondering is how my other fish will react to such a change.  I currently have a ropefish, 2 bala sharks, 3 tiger barbs, a peacock eel, and the aforementioned moray eel. I can easily sell any of the sharks, barbs, or the peacock eel to one of the local pet stores in the area if its absolutely necessary and they wont survive the change, but I would really like to keep the rope fish, and obviously the moray eel.

Hi Nathan,
Most likely the other fish, ropefish, bala sharks, barbs and eel won't tolerate the salt very well. It'd be best if they could be moved to a different tank or given to the petstore and the main aquarium devoted and built around brackish water. Ropefish can tolerate brackish water up to about 1.005 but they won't do well above that and they should be kept in freshwater.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!