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question about Bacteria and PH levels

25 9:16:00

Hi Karen,
From reading your advice to your other readers, you stated that fish DO NOT have to be kept in SPECIFIC PH environments, as long as water changes are done on the regular. Well, I do a water change change every other day because I understand it is a closed environment and the filters take all the fish waste and Ammonia and all the other wastes in the water, If I was in that tank I would want my master to keep the water  nice and smelling good for me...Taht's the way I see it.
The question is does keeping the PH level low, like low 6's. Is this going to keep it from getting Bacteria or infections on the fish?

Do your thing

Hi Tony,
Yes, It's true that the major majority of captive raised fish can thrive and sometimes even spawn in less-than-ideal pH. You want to avoid extremes of course. And if needed the best way to adjust pH is using RO and tap water mix.

So your main question might be-- if the pH was kept at the IDEAL. Then fish may not get ill as much? That just depends. I believe (and you'll agree) that in the best pH and hardness conditions, that fish can still become ill if the temperature flucuates, or the aquarium is dirty. And of course flucuating pH levels are a huge stress factor in fish as well.
No certain water conditions can guarantee good health always. As it is said, even with the best conditions, you will almost always have an incidence of an sick fish. It's just life, or the fact that aquarium conditions can simply just be hard for some. Your best bet is always insure the water is clean, well aerated, and is stable.
With that you should be insured to have healthy fish for many years.

I must say, a million cheers to you for changing water every-other day! That is excellent. It's good to treat fish like how you'd want to be treated! A true sign you are a very caring fishkeeper!

Well, I hope this does help...Always feel free to write.

Best wishes, Take care, God bless you always~