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White spots on goldfish

23 15:42:20

We have a goldfish that recently had white, fuzzy looking spots on his first we thought one of the other fish tried picking at it or possibly eating it. Now our Shubunkin has the same type of white spot on the side of iys head, on his side fin and now on his mouth.....could you tell me what it could possibly be and if or how to treat it? Thank you.

Hi Tammy!
It could be what's called 'breeding spots' or 'stars' as they may be called.

It can be tricky to differentiate between this and an actual fungal infection. If you believe your goldfish might have a fungal infection instead (it spreads and the fish looks stressed) then I would recommend doing some extra water changes and starting treatment with Jungle Brand Fungus Clear. This medication hasn't failed me when I've dealt with it before.

Don't confuse it with "ick" parasites. Which appear as if the fish has been sprinkled with salt. Its an easy to treat parasite but must be caught early.

I do hope this helps!