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Aggressive angel/shy clown loaches

25 9:12:12

Recently introduced 2 angels to tank with 4 neon tetra, 2 plecs and two others. one angel very aggressive so returned to shop and replaced with 2 clown loaches. Clown loaches very very shy and I don't know if they're eating as they won't come to the top. Now i've found the remains of one of my tetras - the smallest I'd noticed he'd been hiding for a while. Could the remaining angel be responsible for killing the tetra? Is he suitable for this tank set up at all. Having tried bloodworms etc what should i feed the loaches and do they come to the surface to eat?


It is very common for loaches to be shy at first. I had a loach who traveled up and down the glass frantically for nearly a week after I first got him. If they aren't coming out, you should buy some sinking bottom feeder food so that they have something down at the bottom and don't need to stray out of their comfort zone.

Personally, I have successfully raised timid angel fish with tetras. However, if he is showing any signs of aggression, he may have killed your tetra. Rarely though, is a fish death sign of an over aggresive fish. Instead you should check nitrites, ammonia, temperature and look for any signs of disease. The smallest tetra might have just been a runt who wasn't doing well because of the move from pet store to your home.

I hope this helps.

From Stephanie