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damaged fin

23 16:31:17

I keep my Betta's water clean and yesterday while cleaning the tank I took him out with the fish net as I always have done.  I think he damaged himself in the net while I was transferring him to a small bowl with fresh spring water to keep him while I clean the bigger tank.  He is swimming a bit off kilter and stays at the top of the tank.  He is still very full of life and eats food with gumption.  Will the fin/tail heal? or have I done major damange to him.

Hi Patty,
Bettas can heal damaged fins quite well. However, if it is a major split in his tail it may never reseal or it may take a few months. As long as he is full of life still and eats well  he should be fine. Probably the safest net I have ever used on fish is a brine shrimp net. Its so much gentler on the fish and their fins. I use it for netting delicate baby fish also. Brine shrimp nets usually have blue handles and they have white cloth instead of rough netting like most fish nets have. Maybe you should try a brine shrimp net, its about the only type of net I use since its so gentle on fish.

Just continue to keep his water clean and warm and his fin should heal just fine.  

I really hope this helps!
Happy holidays!