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baby betta FOODS

23 15:26:06

QUESTION: ok so i am trying to make a infusoria culture and i put Java moss in a old glass pickle container and a little piece of water sprite and i can not tell if the culture has been successful or not and is there any way to tell and i also have baby brine shrimp eggs i can hatch but i tried that before and only got a 2% survival rate and so i want to try and save most of the fry
the culture has been in progress for about 5 days
thank you very much

ANSWER: Dustin,
When raising fry, you have to start your cultures at least 2 weeks before you spawn. You can try putting the jar up to a light to see if you see any movement. They way I do it is, I put a piece of lettuce in a jar of water and place it on the window seal. That is how I first did this. Now, I just grab grass, through it in a large tub with a lid. I then put it on the back deck and let nature do it's thing. If you are getting that low of a survival rate, make sure you are hatching right. Make sure light is it to keep the eggs and water warm and an air tube set very low to keep the eggs moving.

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QUESTION: okay i read online that if you use live plants as i did that it would only take a few days cause live plants likely have infusoria any way but idk and what do  you mean about the light cause i use a heater and where i live the water in the culture would probably freeze over night out side so i have it in my window sill. And i leave the father in there so he can care for the eggs and i take him out when there free swimming and if i put a air tube in there wouldn't it make the eggs fall???
thank you very much

ANSWER: When hatching the brine shrimp you do not want the water to be too warm. How do you fit a heater in the hatchery? How do you hatch the shrimp? Let me know how its set up. You should not be hatching brine shrimp in the same tank the eggs are in. The air tubing goes in the hatchery not the tank, yet. Let me know how everything is set up so that I can advise you better.

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QUESTION: this is how i did the hatchery i took a bottle bigger then 2 liters and i put dechlorinated tap water and aquarium salt and i took a hang on back heater and then i put that in set at 80 degrees and thats all plus a air line tubing so the eggs don't stay still
and the betta breeding tank has about 4 inches of water a heater and thats all plus a light and that normal stuff i put the female in a little betta bowl cause i lost my hurricane glass i use to use and the female is way bigger then the male and the male is nipping at her alot

I have never added a heater to the hatchery but if it is working for you then keep doing it. Make sure the breeding tank is no smaller than a 10 gallon. Do you have the cup in the tank to protect his bubble nest? The nipping is normal just do not leave her in there unless you are right there. That way if he gets too aggressive you can remove her. As soon as both male and female are out of the tank, slowly turn the heater up to 85 degrees and drop in an air stone set very low.