Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > tiger barb with swim blader

tiger barb with swim blader

25 9:16:29

yesterday mourning he was fine again so i put him in the ten gallon but around 83o he was even worse and the other tiger barbs were attacking him so i put him back in the 29 gallon then about 10 minutes later his tail was gone and he died what happened to him

thank you

Hi Andrew, Hmm.. You weren't very informative about what happened when the tiger barb was back in the 10 gallon. Perhaps you fed the food that caused his Swim bladder trouble. Tiger barbs are notorious for picking on timid and weaker fish--even each-other.

The quick moves back and forth between the 29 and the 10gal may have proved too stressful for him. Any temperature or parameter flucuations can be extremely harmful for all fish. Not that I'm blaming you, but the poor tiger barb may have been subjected to stressful water quality flucuations. As for his tail.. Perhaps rough handling or the other barbs nipping could have damaged his tail. A very sad end that I am very sad to hear about.

I'm sorry but even with the best care, you can still lose fish unfortunately.

My best wishes, take care,