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Betta fish compatibility

23 16:24:40

Hello Karen,
    I have a male betta fish in a 10 gallon fish tank. It is doing great. The tank is heated and has many hiding places and the betta loves it. I had bought the betta from wal-mart and assumed it had never been with any other fish. Well, I had to move my two albino cory catfish out of my larger tank due to some bullies in the larger tank. I places the cory catfish in the 10 gallon with the betta and surprisingly they get along. While at first the betta was alittle weary, in time it forgot all about the little corys and they live together just fine now. My questions is, I want to add some other fish, what are some fish who would be good with the betta? I do not want to get any fish that will pick on the betta of the corys as I like them and they seem to be happy. Any ideas? Thanks.

Hi Lois,
Although I'll admit I've never tried it myself. Neon tetras are always praised as excellent tankmates for a betta. They have similar water requirements and since neons are quiet and aren't very active they wont stress out the betta, and they are completely peaceful fish as well.

Now do keep in mind that your betta may think that the 10-gallon is "his" tank and there may be some territorial issues. But if your lucky, maybe he won't be too territorial. All you can do is try it and see. Some bettas are more accepting and peaceful and some wont allow anything. A little flaring may be seen but as long as chasing doesn't occur then it all should be well.

About 6-7 neons would be perfect. Other nice fish for a betta tank are Cherry barbs which stay small and are very quiet fish. And Glowlight tetras which are similar to neons in behavior.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!