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PH level Black Moor Goldfish

25 9:09:26

So... My girlfriend purchased me two Black Moor Goldfish and a two gallon fish bowl... I brought it home and the first night one of the fish died... at this point I didnt know anything about fishkeeping. so I did some research and found out that there is alot to keeping goldfish... I purchased a 20 gallon tank under gravel filter and mech filter and all the other things... test kit gravel and the like... it has been about 4 days now and my PH level out of the tap after an hour of setting is 8.2 and in my tank it is 8.2+ what are my options. Thanks a ton in advance.

Hi Tucker;

Don't worry about the pH at all. It is just fine and the fish will get used to it. A stable pH is what's important, not a certain reading. As the system ages it will drop a bit anyway.

Oh, and great job on getting a good sized tank for him! He's gonna love it! Just don't give him any friends yet. The tank is still in the break-in period. I will include a link to my page about it at the end of this letter, as well as link to a page about basic goldfish care.

You will be dissappointed in an undergravel system with goldfish though. They make too much waste and it will get plugged up and nasty. If it were my tank, I would remove the undergravel plates and just use the air pump for a nice looking air curtain or stone and maybe some animated decorations or something. The mechanical filter will be fine though. You might want a bigger one or a smaller second one though if it is rated at just barely the right size for your 20 gallon.

Here are some site links;

Have fun with your new friend!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins