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planted freshwater

23 16:49:44

I have moved up from a 10 gallon planted fw tank to a 55g about 3 months ago, so I'm all cycled and everybody is moved in, and I'm slowly adding more plants and fish.  (I am taking my time -no hurry.)  

I have already figured out that 30watts of lighting is not enough.  I also cannot find higher wattage 18" T8 full spectrum bulbs.  In searching for an answer, I have found a possible replacement, but I don't want to over do it and end up with an algae problem.  What I'm looking at is 2 24" Single Satellite Compact Fluorescent fixtures that I would use with SunPaq Daylight bulbs that are 65W, 6700K each.  Will this give me enough, but not cause an algae problem?

Could you also suggest a good cleaning crew that won't eat my plants and will be compatible with what I have? (listed at end)  Any help would be appreciated.  I'm feeling very overwhelmed with all the mixed info out there!

1 Otocinclus
8 Neon Tetra
5 Pristella Tetra
1 Congo Tetra - Does he need a school?
1 Pea Puffer/Dwarf Puffer - People are usually shocked by this one - he is kept well-fed and seems to be a docile personality - was in my old 10g with neons and otto - never a problem

Well congrats on working up from your 10 gallon, your getting into the more expensive part of this hobby especially with a planted tank. I love 55gallon tanks, they are pretty standard and they provide a good large environment for the fish.

Your whole question revolves around how much light is enough. Well it all depends apon what type of plants you are wanting to keep. Some plants require high light, some medium, some like all types of light, some are low. Researching these plants before you buy them will help you out alot and figuring out what type of tank you want... do you want a hi tech tank with hi lighting (which means you'd have to dose fertilizers and you'll be needing co2).

Your right, 30 watts is not enough light. A low light tank your going to want to aim for about 1.9 wpg, medium i'd say around 2.7, high would be 4wpg (watts per gallon).

Algae is a hard part of owning a planted tank, basically it's because you have too much nutrients in the water, not enough fast growing stem plants and alot of light, meaning there are excess nutrients in the water for the algae to grow. What you have to do is beat the algae, keeping the algae at bay would mean you need alot of fast growing stem plants to outcompete the algae.

By adding co2 into the mix (you can get a do it yourself) and create your own yeast solution (what most people do) and that will help to fight off algae.

This is a pretty broad subject... and you gotta do a bit of research of what type of tank you want.. which will tell you what type of lighting requirement you need.

I'd personally start at around 2.4wpg for you... but your going to need to add co2.

There's a lighting system made by coralife which is a 48" and includes 2 bulbs at 64watts 6700k, for around 150$ Canadian. That's going to give you enough light to grow most plants...

Whenever you have light and excess nutrients you will have a algae problem , no getting around that unless you dose fertz... Honestly dude i could write for hours and hours.. your question is a good one though.

What i really suggest you join a fish forum that i'm currently part of, and read the pinned artciles in the planted which explain co2, combating algae and why it's there, lighting requirements, EI (estimated index) basically how to fertilizer and what to use (remember your plants need more then just water to grow and thrive).

You can find that forum here:

I'm on that forum my names Nicklfire , I'd strongly suggest you start with that.

As far as a cleaning crew...... i'd suggest some cory's , flying fox for now. They are amazing :)