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My friends fish

23 15:34:48

Hi yet again renee,
My friend has beautiful molly fish in a ten gallon glass aquarium with only one plecco and around six mollies and i do know they can frow to two inches which would make it like twelve inches of mollys and im worried for her fish they seem fine but they have babies alot so i am not sure if there is a problem she has lost two fish because one of them was a plecco and was killed in a old "rosin" box that she put in there to protect her fry and the other died just because she doesnt know how but im just worried for her fish.

Well hello again Alicia,

It isn't so much the Mollies she has to worry about, it's the pleco. They poop a ton.  The water is going to be very poor quality once the fish get a little bigger.

Rosin box?  Talk about chemicals in the water.  Rosin is a hardened tree sap, but nowdays they add chemicals.

How do you tell a friend about their fish's inevitable demise?  That's a hard one, even for us experts.  Sometimes you have to just let them do what they want.  It's their tank.  The sad thing is the fish will probably die before the lesson gets learned.

It happens a lot.

You can help her out by helping her find a free 20 gallon tank and filter. :)

It's a thought...
