Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > my arowana ate something hard..

my arowana ate something hard..

23 16:38:34

Hi. I hope you're doing ok. I just have a question regarding my
arowana. I was treating him with melafix, when all of a sudden the plastic
seal of the bottle went into the aquarium. The arowana was eating it and
spitting it out. However, when i got the net to get the seal, it was
already gone. I'm not sure if the arowana ate it. but it's gone..probably
he did. I just want to know, if he's gonna be ok. will the plastic
seal come out through the anus? what are the symptoms that it is in his
stomach. It's been 24 hours, and he's still swimming and eating ok.Im

Your answer to my question is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Paul,
This is one of those circumstances where you'll have to just wait and see how everything turns out. There's no way to know for sure if the arowana ate the cap. He may have finally figured out it wasn't edible and let it drop behind an aquarium decoration. So be sure and search the tank through. I do know that some fish can pass through pieces of gravel if they ingest some of it. So a cap might be the same.

I would think in a day the arowana would have had some side-effects from the cap if he ingested it. If he seems to be his normal self, then there is likely nothing bad going to happen.

But I wish you the best and let me know how he is doing if you like!