Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > DROPSY??


23 15:34:23

I currently just got my Beta about 5-6 days ago. I'm worried he already has Dropsy. He must be in the early stages. He is very active when I enter the room, but when I watch him he floats on his side a lot. His scales are somewhat ascended and he has a missing scale. I'm not sure if it is from the frogs or what. He eats regularly and I fed him a pea because he looked bloated.Unfortunatly I'm not exactly sure how to cure him. I have been doing a lot of research just really unsure of how or exactly what I should do. I also have 4 African Dwarf frogs, should I be concerned about them as well?
Help please!!

It is Dropsy Shenae,

Extended scales = Dropsy.  That's a sure sign of it.  He may make it now that you saw it early.

Let's get him into his own clean water container, away from the frogs and put in 2 teaspoons of marine salt per gallon, or dissolved rocksalt.  Get him in there asap.  Salt KILLS Dropsy, but only in about 60% of cases.  Dropsy is often deadly more than not.

Treatment in early stages is absolutely necessary to insure his recouperation.

Heat his tank to 80F while treating him also.  

I hope you write me back if you need further information.
