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Platy sitting on bottom

25 9:05:59

I have three platies and one of the males is siting on the bottom of my tank. He eats and when I go up to him he swims around. But he usuallly ends up in the same place. I do 30% water changes every 4 to 5 days and feed them once every night and a pinch of bloodworms in the morning. I also have 2 angelfish 3 gouramis, 2 apple snails and one bristlenose.

Dear Evan,
It is a good sign he is still eating but it is hard to determine if he is sick or not.  Make sure there are hiding places for him in case he is being bullied by another fish.  I don't know how large your tank is but be sure you keep up the water changes and don't over feed since sometimes, without realizing, water can become dirty from either too many fish in a too small tank or overfeeding.  This can cause your water conditions to be dangerous for your fish and make them ill. It might help to purchase a water test kit and check your water parameters to make sure there isn't ammonia, nitrite are too high nitrates.  Best of luck!
Hope this helps!