Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Goldfish eggs

Goldfish eggs

23 15:58:35


My goldfish have recently bred unexpectantly, i have had to keep the eggs in a bucket, but am purchasing a new tank for them soon, anyway, last night 3 of the eggs hatched, and thats it. There are still eggs with babies in so shall i wait? (its only been 2-3 days)
also what shall i feed them?
how old are they when they get there colour?

thank you loads!

ANSWER: Hi Lauren,

Congratulations on your new goldfish!
This is the goldfish spawning season, (late spring/early summer.)

In the future, try to put the young goldfish fry and eggs into a bucket with a filter. Young fry produce waste too, and filtration is necessary. However, I understand that not many people have spare filters lying around, so I would recommend that you change 30% of the bucket's water every day, and replace it with fresh water (dechlorinated). Try not to scoop up young fish during the water changes!

Most eggs hatch approximately after 5 days. The fry will live off their yolk sac for 3 days, so don't worry about feeding right after they hatch. After 3 days, feed them on a diet of infusorians, newly hatched brine shrimp, or daphnia. Powdered food (finely crushed) as well as boiled egg yolk will also do.

Just keep doing those water changes, and add an airstone with an air pump for optimal hatching.

The fry should get their color after a couple weeks. feeding them a variety of foods will speed up the process.

Best wishes to your goldfish!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey Nathan,

The situation now is nearly all eggs have hatched, basically there's about 40, so on average, or a roungh guess lol do you know how many will roughly survive?

Also I was told that if i take them back to the petshop after they have their colour they wont take them? Why?

Thank you for your help so far, and if its ok i will keep you updated so you can give me advise, is that ok?

P.s I would like to become an expert in a section, say tropical fish, but I dont know how to apply, since you have done this process what do I have to do, as I have no idea...Thanks

Hi Lauren,

1)I think that with good care, and proper filtration, at least 75% should survive. Remember to feed them after 2-4 days, and change some water every day. This will ensure optimal survival.

2)Who told you that pet stores won't take them after they have color? That is incorrect. Most pet shops will take them AFTER they get their color. However, most pet store chains such as Petco won't pay you any money for them. If you want a bit of cash, or store credit, you should go to a small, family-owned fish store.

3)You can keep me updated, I'm happy to help.

4)Becoming an expert is easy. For example, if I wanted to volunteer in the Baseball Category, I would go to that page with all the expert's names and descriptions, and at the bottom, there will be a link that says "Volunteer to be an expert in this category" Then I click that, and voila! Then, you'll have to fill out sections about your expertise, etc.

Or, just click the 'be an expert' link in the menu bar.

Good Luck!